How do we respond to ongoing collapse?
Collapse is happening. It is our responsibility to honestly acknowledge this truth and explore ways to navigate the ongoing and coming changes.
Our work involves acknowledging the types of collapse that have already occurred—particularly for oppressed people and communities—are currently occurring, and will continue to accelerate; this includes environmental, social, political, economic, and personal collapse. We are studying behavior and responses to these changes in order to help navigate what we are facing as a species and planet.
We’re in evolutionary times, our responses will decide our fate.
We’re studying collapse, its effects, and possible human responses. We held our first conference in the spring of 2018, since then we’ve been exploring what it means to fully acknowledge the climate crisis, social collapse, and inequity. Our leadership team brings compassion, creativity and dedication as we build a body of work around collapse psychology. We’re focused on community building, grief, collective trauma, and mass social change.
Ready to take the next step? We need each other—join us.
This is a movement in consciousness and care—we hope you’ll join us in exploring collapse psychology. Participate in our study, apply for our online group, or view our resource list. Check out our current projects here.